


여행 주요일정


출발 : 0000-00-00(월) → 0000-00-00(월)
도착 : 0000-00-00(월) → 0000-00-00(월)
예약 : 0명 좌석 : 0석(최소출발 성인 0명)


구분 성인 만 12세 이상 아동 만 12세 미만 유아 만 2세 미만

- Please take note of the cancellation charge. 100% of fee is charged if reservation is cancelled 2 days before the tour day.
Please take note of the cancellation charges:

The Panmunjom JSA being an area where North and South Korea soldiers co-exist, a word of caution must be given to the tourists visiting the area and the following instructions must be followed.

1. You must come to the tour desk 20 minutes before the departure time.
2. You must have your passport with you on the tour.
3. Children of the age 11 or below are not allowed on the tour.
4. No drinking of alcohol is allowed before the tour.
5. You must follow the instructions of your tour guide while on the tour.
6. As this is a special military site that can undergo sudden schedule changes or cancellations due to scheduling of conferences, military training or VIP visits, please be sure to reconfirm your reservation on the day before the tour.
7. Dress code: The following is not allowed
Ripped jeans(except normal jeans), Tank tops or sleeveless shirts, Short pants, Mini-skirts, Workout or exercised clothing of any kind including track pant, gym shorts, stretch pants or warm-up suits
Shower shoes, slippers, flip-flops or sandals, opened-toe shoes
8. If a part of tour schedule is cancelled by unexpected condition of Panmunjom, No refund.


~ 08:10

Departure from Hotel President 3F. "TOUR DMZ"

08:10 ~ 09:30

Move to Destination (Freedom Highway)

09:30 ~ 10:00

Tour of Freedom Bridge in Imjingak Park

10:00 ~ 10:10

Pass through Unification Bridge (Passport Check)

10:10 ~ 11:10

Tour of 3rd Tunnel (on foot or monorail) / DMZ Exhibition

11:10 ~ 11:40

Tour of Dora Observatory

11:40 ~ 12:10

Tour of Dorasan Station

12:10 ~ 12:30

Tour of Unification Village (in the Bus)

12:30 ~ 13:40

Lunch (Bulgogi)

13:40 ~ 14:00

Pass through Unification Bridge

14:00 ~ 14:15

Arrive at Camp Bonifas

14:15 ~ 14:50

Slide show on JSA

14:50 ~ 16:50

JSA (Panmunjom) tour
(Advanced camp-Freedom house-Conference room-Foot bridge)


Leave for Seoul


Arrival in Seoul


May be subject to change due to military conditions or natural calamity.